Haredi Women Conquering the Field of Computer Science


"The growing trend of employing Haredi women in hi-tech –  a field that  enalbes them to earn a respectable living and is considered to be 'a profession of the future' – is evident  on the Haredi campuses, where  many Haredi women  go to earn a degree in computer sciences. The most prominent and well-established Haredi campus, which offers degrees  in this field is the Jerusalem College of Technology - Lev Academic Center's Lustig Campus, which completely separates men and women and has exceptional placement statistics, currently at 93%. "I looked for a place that would help me earn a degree that combined academic studies  with religious studies, and I chose to study towards a degree in computer science" says Dr. Hadas Tschiler, a Haredi woman from Petach Tikvah, a computer science lecturer at Lustig Camus, a Lustig graduate herself. "Choosing this field enables me to earn a respectable living, to support my family. As a graduate of the Campus, as well as a lecturer there, I see how the Haredi graduates of this institution are extremely sought after by employers."

This article originally appeared in the Hebrew version of Mishpacha Magazine April 12th, 2018.

To read the full English Translation of the article click here

Mike Alloun